This is the second of a three-film series starring Charles Starrett as "The Medico" (based on the Frontier Doctor character, Steven Monroe, created by James L. Rubel in books.) This entry was preceded by "The Medico of Painted Springs" and followed by "Prairie Stranger," before Columbia halted the series, and made the five remaining films of Charles Starrett's 1941-42 production season as straight-action/musical westerns with Starrett playing different characters in each. The Sons of the Pioneers, the musical mainstays in all of Starrett's B-westerns from 1937 through the 1940-41 production seasons, had left Columbia and signed with Republic, so the musical groups in all of the remaining Starrett/Columbia westerns were part of a revolving door that changed with each film. The band in this one was Carl (Cal) Shrum and his Rhythm Rangers, and nobody, including Shrum and his band members,played 'Himself" or 'Themselves" in these fictional films set in a time period before any of these ...
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