猫眼电影 > 李香蘭的世界


记录片 / 传记 / 历史 / 战争
2015中国台湾上映 / 60分钟

李香蘭是20世紀初出生在滿洲的日本人。經由靈巧的身分轉換,成為二次大戰期間風靡東亞地區的大明星,也是日本國策電影的最佳工具。日本戰敗後,她被中國列為頭號漢奸,面臨著死刑的威脅。而香蘭的友人劉吶鷗,是台灣的富家子弟,為了追求藝術理想,他先與中國人合作,又與日本人合作,結果不獲任何一方的信任,最後慘遭暗殺。劉吶鷗的悲劇與李香蘭的傳奇,成為嚴酷的對比,也帶出了電影、戰爭、身份認同,女性與個人自由的多元課題。 This documentary traces the rise and fall of LI Xianglan, one of Asia’s biggest movie stars during World War II. A Manchurian born Japanese who could “pass” as Chinese, she was a propagandist’s dream. On the other hand, LI’s friend, the Taiwanese-born, Japanese-educated writer and filmmaker LIU Naou, was not so lucky. As the war raged, LIU chased his dream of directing feature films, first working with the Chinese, then the Japanese. But neither side trusted him and he ended up dead as a result. The film invites reflection on the nature of film, art, identity, gender and individual freedom.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900