猫眼电影 > 大海的残酷


La Crudeltà del Mare

A separation story, without any drama, watched by the eyes of a six year old daughter who does not understand why. Her life is like a silver string in a consumed weave. She appreciates the afternoons spent with her daddy, she talks to the presents and to the missing ones. The mystery of the sea, of the adults and of their near goodbye. The sea is the magic mirror that brought her parents together and split them apart. 这是个关于离别的故事,没有大风大浪,也许是片中的六岁女孩尚不谙世事的缘故。她喜欢和爸爸在一起的那些下午,她与那些活着的和逝去的人交谈。小女孩观察着大海和成人的神秘,直到与他们告别。大海像一面魔镜,使她的父母相聚而又分离。

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