猫眼电影 > Tracy



Tracy is a mockumentary about Tracy Knapp, host of the 1970's children's show, "The Imagination Train Station". Thirty years after the show's cancellation an ambitious filmmaker sets out to find the person responsible for Tracy mysterious shooting. Through interviews with the people that knew him best the filmmaker is reminded of the controversy behind the 'educational' children's show, how Tracy loved to call out his trademark, 'Correct!' after every answer given, even the wrong ones. This made him wildly popular with children, but fueled the hatred of so many parents, teachers and other possible suspects, including his ex- wife and former clown cast member "Tess Tickles', as well as their resentful son Jim Knapp, a successful business man struggling to distance himself from his father's "childish" image, a difficult task when you've inherited his unmistakable neon blonde hair.

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