猫眼电影 > 探寻密斯•凡•德•罗


2004-03-12加拿大上映 / 56分钟
IMDb 7.5

What makes art art? Can a gas station be considered art? It can if it's designed by Mies van der Rohe, one of the true geniuses of modern architecture. Famous for designing such landmarks as New York's Seagram Building, Toronto’s Dominion Centre and numerous buildings in Chicago, van der Rohe was best known for his minimalist designs. His obsession with purity and simplicity and his adherence to his belief that "less is more" influenced the way he combined form and function, creating a connection to the outdoors and an architecture that is less removed from life and more reflective of how we actually live. The jazz-infused soundtrack and inspired cinematography bring van der Rohe's work to life in a film that truly captures the spirit of the man and his brilliant contributions to 20th century architecture. With commentary from heavy-hitters such as Stanley Tigerman, Rem Koolhaus and Phyllis Lambert. Best Canadian Work, 22nd International Festival of Films on Art.

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