猫眼电影 > 美丽噤声


Sois belle et tais-toi
1981-03-04法国上映 / 115分钟
IMDb 6.9

在20世纪60年代和70年代,德尔芬·塞里格站在国际电影界大牌人物的镜头前。随着视频技术的兴起,她开始让自己的女权主义者与其他电影制片人和活动家卡罗尔·罗索普洛斯合作。1975年和1976年,这对夫妇询问了他们在法国和美国的24位同事——包括朱丽叶·贝托、艾伦·伯斯汀、简·方达、雪莉·麦克莱恩和玛丽亚·施耐德——关于她们在电影业中作为女性的经历。 对女演员的采访是一个令人震惊的、不足为奇的时代记录,对在一个忙碌于维护男性幻想机器的行业中工作做出了清醒的评估。赛里格问:“如果你是一个男人,你还会选择成为一个演员吗?“或者”你曾经和另一个女人演过戏吗?如果是,她的角色是竞争对手还是知己?“—从而启动反射过程。令人惊讶的不是答案——类似的缺乏细微的角色和适当的表现在今天仍然非常明显——而是有人曾经问过正确的问题。 In the 1960s and 70s, Delphine Seyrig stood before the camera for the big names in international cinema. With the rise of video technology, she began to make her own feminist works together with fellow filmmaker and activist Carole Roussopoulos. In 1975 and 1976, the pair asked 24 of their colleagues in France and the United States – including Juliet Berto, Ellen Burstyn, Jane Fonda, Shirley MacLaine and Maria Schneider – about their experiences as women in the film business. The interviews with the actresses are a shockingly unsurprising record of the era, creating a sobering assessment of working in an industry busy maintaining the machinery of male fantasies. Seyrig asks: “If you’d been a man, would you still have chosen to become an actor?” or “Have you ever acted in a scene with another woman and if so, was her role that of a competitor or a confidante?” – thus initiating a process of reflection. What’s astonishing is not the answers – a similar lack of nuanced roles and appropriate representation is still very much apparent today – but rather the fact that here, for once, someone was asking the right questions.

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