猫眼电影 > The Voice on the Wire
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The Voice on the Wire


Chapter 15: "The Living Death" - Chapter 14 ends with the floating hand writing a message to John Spencer and Polly Marion that all would be made clear in next week's episode. Tom and Polly watch fascinated as the dis-embodied Hand writes (in flashback scenes, mostly.) Cronin and Professor Duvam wait in an adjoining room. The Hand writes that it (he) was a member of "The Black Seven," a psychical and scientific research group in Paris and, because other scientists considered them crazy owing to their advanced theories, they and their meetings were kept secret. Five of these men were the victims of "The Voice" (also dis-embodied) in previous chapters, the sixth was Dr. Reynolds and the seventh was Emil LaRoux. The latter, not content, with proving astral bodies could be projected, was also convinced he could recall a soul at will, providing that the body in which the soul had lived on earth was preserved by a certain ancient process.

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