猫眼电影 > 新星现代科学:动物有多聪明?


How Smart Are Animals

Jean Berko Gleason ... Herself - Psycholinguist, Boston University Teri Bolton ... Herself - Roatan Institute for Marine Sciences Kathie Hahn ... Herself - Fan of Alex Mark Hall ... Himself - Biomes Marine Biology Center Doug Hamilton ... Himself - Correspondent Roger Hanlon ... Himself - Marine Biological Laboratory Brian Hare ... Himself - Duke University Stan Kuczaj ... Himself - University of Southern Mississippi Kathleen Lance ... Herself - Fan of Alex Arlene Lewin ... Herself - Lab Manager Irene Pepperberg ... Herself - Biologist John W. Pilly ... Himself - Wofford College Diana Reiss ... Herself - Hunter College Dallas K. Schittler Jr. ... Himself - Fan of Alex Anna Schwartz ... Herself - Research Assistant ◎简 介 NOVA可能是世界上最成功的科学电视节目系列,由波士顿公共电视公司制作。其内容含跨科学、历史与技术,有当代最先进医药、考古、天文、生态、探险的新知。网站上有他们的各式节目介绍,部分有全部的节目内容。 公共电视网(PBS)播放的科学系列节目“新星”(NOVA),多涉及人类基因组图谱绘制、转基因食品安全等热门话题,制作精良,内容详实,富有教益。PBS电视公司的"新星"科学探索系列节目是独一无二的。 你介意和狗、章鱼、海豚或鹦鹉斗智吗?看完本集新星.现代科学节目,你可能就要重新考虑了。或许我们现在还不会送宠物去哈佛上学,激动人心的研究结果却显示,许多动物比我们想象的聪明得多,有些方法连我们也没想到呢。 Investigates animal intelligence in dogs, dolphins, and cephalopods. It also profiles Irene Pepperberg and her talking parrot Alex.

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