Leonard Benhaus
饰:The Seeker
Reiner Haas
饰:The Minister
Laila Maria Witt
饰:The Forest Nymph
Peter Brownbill
饰:The Dwarf
Piotr Przenioslo
饰:#1 Benefactor
Krzysztof Langer
饰:#3 Benefactor
Malgorzata Osiej-Gadzina
饰:The White Lady
Karen Lauenstein
饰:The White Lady
Ida Karol
饰:The Rider of the Shadows
Romanus Fuhrmann
饰:The Philosopher
Vlasto Peyitch
饰:The Forester
Frank Kallinowski
饰:The Eremite
Lyly Schoettle
饰:The Dryade
Krzysztof Rogacewicz
饰:#2 Benefactor
Monika Strzelczyk
饰:The Blacksmith
Amin Azam
Rafael Stemplewski