猫眼电影 > 传道人


2014中国大陆上映 / 180分钟

纪录片《传道人》 ‘Preachers’ Documentary 内容简介: Summary: 这是一部关于信仰的纪录片,讲述了陕西省铜川市十多位基督徒的故事。影片通过老中青四代传道人的生活和信仰之路,反映了五十年来社会变革对当地教会的深远影响。无论是个人在侍奉道路上遇到的拦阻、软弱和成长,还是教会内部的纷争,均成为这个信仰缺失的时代中,关于传道人群体以及教会历史和信仰现状的忠实、中立的写照。 This is a documentary about faith, narrating the stories of a dozen or so Christians in the city of Tongchuan, in Shaanxi Province. Through the lives and beliefs of four generations of preachers, the film reflects on the profound influence of 50 years of social change on the local church. Whether recounting personal setbacks encountered on the serving path or people’s weaknesses, growth, or disputes within the church community, the film becomes a neutral and faithful portrayal of a group of preachers, of the history of the church community and of the status-quo of belief in this faithless era. 导演阐释: Director’s commentary: 完成了生存三部曲之后,开始拍基督教。随着拍摄的不断深入,原先对信仰的纯粹想象完全被颠覆。或许只有上帝是全备的,人都有缺憾和软弱,传道人一样要面对复杂的社会现实和生存压力。因此,也使得纪录下来的传道人群像更为真实和鲜活,离我们并不遥远。 After completing the “Survival Trilogy”, I started to shoot material on the Christian religion. As my interest in the subject deepened through the filming, the original and clear-cut image I had about faith became completely overturned. Perhaps it is only God who is fully equipped and all people have shortcomings and weaknesses, and so the preachers, in the same way, have to face a complex social reality and the pressures to survive. Consequently, the characters of the group come through as more real and dynamic, and not so far-flung from us.


影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900