猫眼电影 > 革命仍需转播 第一季
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革命仍需转播 第一季

The Revolution Will be Televised Season 1
电视剧 / 喜剧
2012-08-22英国开播 / 30分钟
IMDb 7.9

This series brings corruption, greed and hypocrisy to the fore and drags it to the court of public opinion. The Revolution Will Be Televised's bite-sized comedy hits - from fictionalised characters to ballsy stunt-led sketches - have already been grabbing the headlines. George Osborne being handed that GCSE maths book? Cheryl Cole 'storming out' of a BBC TV interview? What the hell has been going on? In the great tradition of mischief-makers like Michael Moore, Mark Thomas and Dom Joly, Heydon Prowse and Jolyon Rubinstein bash a variety of arrogant, puffed-up people over the head with an inflated pig's bladder, on behalf of anyone who has stared open-mouthed at the arrogance, hypocrisy, corruption and greed of the various politicians, avaricious multinationals and tax-shy billionaires who have been taking the piss out of the British public for years. Now it's their turn to be outraged, deceived, inconvenienced and humiliated. Heydon and Jolyon's previous successes include award-winning viral videos for cult site Don't Panic, including such stunts as digging 'that' £ sign into Alan Duncan's garden at the time of the expenses scandal, in light of money the MP spent on landscaping his garden (catapulting Heydon onto Newsnight), and D-locking the doors of Nobu shut. Now they are making the leap from the World Wide Web to our television screens.

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