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爱: 阿根廷, 独立媒体中心与沟通的问题海报封面图

爱: 阿根廷, 独立媒体中心与沟通的问题

i - Argentina, Indymedia, And The Questions Of Communication

独立媒体中心(Indymedia)是由来自世界各国反全球化运动的的激进青年所组成的非赢利性组织. 早在一九九九年,反全球化运动人士就创立独立媒体中心(Indymedia Center,IMC),以集体参与,共同决策的模式报导非资本主义讯息,几年之间,在全球成立一百多个独立媒体中心.独立媒体中心采取开放平台:每个人都可以发布文章,图片和影音,即时看到发布结果,没有任何筛选,就让文章放在边栏,依时间顺序刊出;然后由读者为新闻评分,达到一定分数,并经一定数量编辑认可的新闻,可以在网站中央刊出;每个读者可以对所有文章评分并作回应.此外,还提供RSS即时交换格式档案,将全球一百多个站的专题故事统合起来. "i" is a meditation on the relationship between media and power as it is manifested by the worlds largest all volunteer network of media activists — Indymedia. The feature-length documentary follows the first year of a small collective in Buenos Aires as it struggles amidst assassinations, a collapsing economy, and a whirlwind of political upheaval. "i" is being distributed using an experimental, decentralized network-building method that mirrors the grassroots media-making the film is about. You can particpate in reviews, feedback, and an ongoing conversation with the directors.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900