猫眼电影 > 探索世界尽头


2013-01-31瑞典上映 / 90分钟

2011年夏天,一群科学家和艺术家乘船去仍未知的格陵兰岛东北部探索。比起发现的环境问题和解决方法,这部影片更愿意在这个冰雪为王的世界里审视人类,更关注的是我们该如何理解我们的生命,以及与自然的关系。广袤的自然是人内心深处的隐喻,对自然的探索同时也是对我们未知的内心领域的探索. In the summer of 2011, a team of scientists and artists raised anchor to head for Northeast Greenland, one of the last unexplored places on Earth to see our planet at its purest. Amid the sublime scenery of the Arctic where ice is king, the story takes a privileged look at Homo Sapiens, simultaneously part of and alienated from nature that we constantly try to control. The film does not so much focus on the facts and measurements gathered by the experts as on how we as human beings understand our life on Earth, and how we respond to nature. This is a journey not only in the realm of physics. The vast nature reserve is a metaphor for the recesses of the mind, and so the journey is also a voyage of discovery towards the unknown territories of our understanding. The filmmakers are inspired by classical apocalyptic fiction film that mixes seriousness with humor to portray the demise of civilization. Calling their documentary a 'tragi-comedy', they draw on the absurd contrast between microscopic human behavior and monumental nature.

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