猫眼电影 > 妻子的来信


Lettres de femmes
2013-06-10法国上映 / 10分钟

在第一次世界大战的战场上,Simon护士用那些饱含爱意的信件为极度疲惫的战士们带来了一丝抚慰,爱人的语言总是拥有治愈的力量。西蒙似乎对伤害免疫,每一次袭击他都能幸免于难,他那白色的制服上从没有留下任何污点。他到底有什么秘诀呢?他知道那个占领了他所有思绪的战时笔友,虽然她远离战事,却时刻在他背后支持他,给他所需要的力量去面对战争每天带来的恐惧和死亡。但是当死亡意料之外地到来时,那些甜蜜的信件还能止住诀别的痛苦吗? On the battle fields of the First World War, the nurse Simon patches up the shattered faces of the infantrymen with love letters. These words from beloved women have the power to heal the wounds of these paper soldiers. Simon himself seems immune to injury. Untouched by the attacks and unblemished in his white uniform. So what’s his secret? His wartime pen friend who occupies his thoughts every spare moment he has. Knowing that she is out of harm’s way but standing behind him gives him the necessary strength to confront the daily horrors and death that war throws at him. But when death happens where it is least expected it, can these words on paper still ease the pain?

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