让·瓦尔让曾因为偷面包入狱十九年,逃狱后藏身维果小镇,靠个人努力和热心神父的帮助,成为该镇的首富和镇,受人爱戴。九年后,当年狱中的警卫贾非被派到镇上当镇长,他认出让并发誓要将其追捕,让只好带着可怜女子芳亭的女儿逃到巴黎郊区的修道院,贾非仍继续追寻,两位死敌必须有个了结…… 该片抒情且有很强的感召力,人物刻画具有社会性和政治性。 A must for any Les Miserables fans, the adaptation spends its time primarily on the later sections, beginning with Marius at his grandfather's house. It is thereafter extraordinarily faithful to the third, fourth, and fifth parts. (The scenes concerning the Bishop, Fantine, and the child Cosette are dealt with briefly in a flashback sequence.) It is the only version I've seen yet which contains Marius' cousin Theodule as well as the scene in which Gavroche meets the two little boys on the street. As stated above, a must for any Les Miserables fan. It's just too bad it's no longer available on video, even in France. I have a version which lacks subtitles, but it's so obviously faithful to the book that any fan doesn't need them.
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