Greasy hair; grooved and unshaven face; emanating alcohol fumes. Raúl just doesn't care anymore. In the opening scene of Death Inhabits at Night, the unemployed writer pours himself another glass of cheap wine as an upstairs neighbour leaps to his death. His girlfriend is clearly more upset by the incident. A little later, she finds a letter by the door reminding them to pay the rent or be evicted. Raúl shrugs and suggests going back to bed. But all of this dismissiveness changes following a meeting with a troubled young girl. This elegantly shot, somehow romantic and sad debut, based on the writings of Charles Bukowski, takes place in society's grungy underbelly. Always filmed from a distance, characters hang around dilapidated hotel rooms and shabby bars. Brimming with melancholy, but also recognition. A cautious search for soulmates in a world full of self-destruction.
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