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una ragione per combattere

爱情 / 惊悚
2014-04-09意大利上映 / 80分钟

When the woman he loves is hospitalized and he learns her only hope is an expensive operation, an underground fighting champion tries to win a half million dollars by fighting another champion so vicious that most of his opponents have died in the ring… 当深爱的女人卧病在床,唯有费用昂贵的手术才是救活她的唯一指望,一位地下战斗冠军为凑齐这笔医药费需要与另一位邪恶的冠军交手以赢得50万美金。但据众所周知,大多数这位邪恶的冠军的挑战者都没能在比赛中幸存。

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