猫眼电影 > 我亦有名


Enakkum oru per
2012-02-10德国上映 / 12分钟

在斯里兰卡的暴乱时期,两个女人(一个修女和一个女仆)回归了她们的日常生活,开始了对过去的整理与未来的规划。 In a time of violence in Sri Lanka, two women (a nun and a servant girl) move in their daily lives to reconcile their past and redirect their future. 2012柏林国际电影节 / Official selection, Berlinale 2012. 2012纽约印度电影节 / Official selection, New York Indian Film Festival. 2012斯图加特电影节 / Official selection, Stuttgart Film Festival. 2012蒙特利尔世界电影节 / Official selection, Montreal World Film Festival. 苏巴·斯瓦库马然生于斯里兰卡的贾夫纳,在五个不同的国家长大,近几年在纽约定居。她在斯里兰卡开始自己的国际发展事业,并在联合国和其他组织从事关于人道主义援助和减少贫穷方面的工作。她是伦敦商学院的学生和哈佛的硕士,并且都是关于政治和公共政策的。《我亦有名》是她的处女作。 Suba Sivakumaran was born in Jaffna, Sri Lanka, grew up in five different countries and currently resides in New York. She started her career in international development in Sri Lanka and works in the area of humanitarian aid and poverty reduction for the United Nations and other organizations. She has an undergraduate degree from the London School of Economics and a master’s degree from Harvard University, both in politics and public policy. I Too Have A Name is her first film.

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