猫眼电影 > The Time of Our Lives
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The Time of Our Lives

电视剧 / 剧情
2013-06-16澳大利亚开播 / 54分钟
IMDb 7.9

Our thirties and forties are the busiest time of our lives. The extended Tivolli clan is right in the thick of it - kids, career advancement, home ownership, settling in with the one you love; still trying to find the one you love; getting away from the one you used to love. It's the time of our frantic, messy, frustrating, funny, sometimes awful, lives. The Time of Our Lives is a 13-part drama series, set in a moody inner city Melbourne, which follows the lives of a typical extended Australian family, in all its contemporary variations.


影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900