猫眼电影 > Why I Ran
Why I Ran海报封面图

Why I Ran

综艺 / 真人秀
IMDb 8.2

The premise of this reality show is about people running from the police in a vehicle. It starts with an interview of the person running from the cops. They set up the situation that led up to the chase. The perpetrators are then, often, for the first time showed footage of them running from the police on a laptop. This is shown mostly from the dash cams of the pursuing officers. Although, sometimes they show new's clips from helicopters and such. The show consists of two seperate people/incidents telling the story. Like all police shows, the perpetrators are always caught. What saves the show is hearing the commentary from the "runners" while they're watching the chase footage. Depending on the season, most of the people that ran are still incarcerated (most recieve 10 to 15 years) . Some are out already. It is a decent show, and the overall lesson is: Don't run from the cops, it never works out well, lol.


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