猫眼电影 > Podzhigateli


剧情 / 儿童
1989-09苏联上映 / 105分钟

这部电影是Perestroika时代所谓的“chernukha”的一个很好的例子。 电影的主人公萨莎·史维兹是一所特殊职业学校的学生,实际上是一个未成年人的殖民地。殖民地的生活引起了对女孩虚弱的残忍,无畏,愤世嫉俗,邪恶的鄙视。有一天,她向惩罚牢房放火,逃离了殖民地。她最终来到土库曼斯坦,祖母在那里度过了高潮,当时他是地质学家,这是理解和同情的唯一也是最后的希望。但是,由于担心造成严重后果,祖母打算将孙女归还司法。This film is a good example of the so-called "chernukha" of the Perestroika era. The main character of the film, Sasha Shvets, is a pupil of a special vocational school, in fact, a colony for minors. The life of the colony brought up cruelty, fearlessness, cynical, evil contempt for weakness in the girl. One day she sets fire to the punishment cell and escapes from the colony. She ends up in Turkmenistan, where her grandmother works as a geologist at one of the halts - the only and last hope for understanding and sympathy. But the grandmother, fearing grave consequences, intends to return the granddaughter to the hands of justice ...

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