伊丽萨维塔·奈莱丁,imdb简介:Elizaveta was born in Cherkasy, Ukraine and raised in Moldova, Russia and Ukraine. At fourteen, she immigrated to Montreal, Québec with her father. After learning English and studying post-secondary Biology for seven years, Elizaveta moved to Vancouver, British Columbia to pursue acting and completed both the intensive and conservatory programs at Vancouver Acting School. Immediately upon graduating, she signed with one of the top talent agencies in Vancouver, Pacific Artists Management, and has been working professionally ever since. Currently Elizaveta is an MFA drama student at The Juilliard School in New York City. Elizaveta already has several credits to her name, including "The Flash" and "Mayor of Kingstown".软件翻译:伊丽莎白出生于切尔卡瑟(乌克兰),在摩尔多瓦、俄罗斯和乌克兰长大。14岁时,她和父亲移民到魁北克的蒙特利尔。在学习了七年英语和中学后生物学之后,伊丽莎白搬到了不列颠哥伦比亚省的温哥华,开始了演艺生涯,并在温哥华演艺学校完成了强化班和音乐学院的课程。毕业后,她立即与温哥华一家顶尖的艺人经纪公司——太平洋艺人管理公司签约,并从那时起一直从事专业工作。目前,Elizaveta 是纽约市朱利亚德学院戏剧学院的艺术硕士学生。伊丽莎白已经获得了好几个荣誉,包括“闪电侠”和“金斯敦市长”。